Thursday, January 24, 2013

Paragraph 1
The periodic table took many scientist over numbers over years to come up with. Scientist over time contributed in their own way to the modern periodic table we know today. Scientist Dalton was one of the first scientist to contribute majorly to the development of the periodic table. He discovered "ultimate particles" or atoms and developed the idea that all elements were made up of their own unique particles. From this theory Dalton also came up with atomic number, making the first attempt of order for the periodic table. Bezallius took Dalton's theory of atomic number and became obsessed with finding order for the periodic table. Bezallius also discovered silicon, making strides to order. Dobereiner came up with triads. His theory was the way elements react with each other solve the mystery to their composition and order on the periodic table. Cannizaro embaraked on the idea of using gases and density to find the exact atomic weight. His discovery made it eaiser to continue in to prefect the periodic table. Newlands also came up with a new theory to establish order, he cam up with The Law of Octaves, stating every 8th element had similarities. Though his theory was mocked by most, one scientist used it to discover the periodic table we still use today. Mendeleev combined the two discovered theories to come up with his own order, thus creating the periodic table. 

Today's distractions would make it nearly impossible to spend three days alone lost in total thought, for me at least. Today, the world is filled with modern technology that distracts us from achieving goals to our highest potential. Constantly people are on facebook, twitter, instagram, and other websites, distracting them from their work. For me, I get very distracted by my phone, focusing on it instead of focusing on my homework. If someone, such as myself, was expected to spend three days alone solving a problem, I would go crazy. I would get distracted and think about what was going on in the world around me instead of thinking about the task at hand. In Today's world people get so caught up in what others are doing they forgot to think about themselves. Thanks to social media, time is spent online talking about what you're going to do instead of actually doing it. This impacts the world negatively, making it harder to achieve goals in a timely manner. Mendeleev was able to escape the world for three days, living in his state. Because he was left alone he was able to embark on one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs in history. If Mendeleev was to be living today, it would make his escape much harder. The pressure of distractions of the modern world make it harder to real full potential.

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Noel! Your second paragraph was so interesting and insightful to read. Consider a picture for your next post.
